Out-of-Bounds Effect

This tutorial includes a walk-through Creative Team member Gina‘s page and a step-by-step tutorial demonstrating on how she created the illusion that the figures in the photo were stepping  over the digital photo frame.

  • Technique Level: Intermediate
  • Application Used: Photoshop CC, but will work in older versions and in Photoshop Elements
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Be sure to comment below if you like this tutorial, or if you have any questions about the technique I used! I’d love to hear from you!

If you try this tutorial, I’d love to see what you come up with! Post it in my Designer Gallery at Oscraps!

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  1. Nancy Walker

    When I saw the Out of Bounds tutorial I was very excited to learn it. When I got to the part to deselect the areas outside of the frame nothing happens. I have PSE 8 and maybe that is why it doesn’t work. Would appreciate your thoughts on this. Thank you.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Hi Nancy! Thanks for watching the tutorial. Its very hard to trouble shoot something like this without more information. If you can send me an email with some screenshots showing your layers and your workspace and what you were trying to do when you got stuck, I’m happy to take a look. Your version of Photoshop should be able to perform all the steps I showed, although it’s so old it won’t load on my computer, so I don’t know for sure. You can email me at vicki at vicki-robinson.com

      • Nancy Walker

        Hi Vicki. Thanks so much for responding back. Sorry about my tardiness in replying back. Well, the good news is my son purchased the lastest PSE 18 for me. Love that man. Back on point. As soon as I install it, I will try the out of bounds tutorial again.

        Thank you again.


      • Janet Paluck-Dudley

        I’m trying to generate an “out of bounds” photo of my 4th Jack Russell Terrier. I have 1 for each of my first 3, but Bailey’s been waiting 5 years (it’s been on my Christmas and birthday list for quite a while). I’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to do it myself, but I think this is far beyond my capabilities. I have struck out 4 times!
        Do you know anyone that does this for a living/hobby that would consider this job?
        I would love to put all my Jacks on the wall, but can’t do it myself. Thank you

        • Vicki Robinson

          Janet I’m so sorry for the delay in responding to you — I’ve been offline for a few weeks. I don’t know of anyone that specializes in doing out of bounds, but if you would like to email me the picture of Bailey you want to work with and also a picture of one of the other dogs you’ve already done, I might be able to give you some suggestions. My mail address is vicki . robinson @ gmail. com – without all of those spaces.

  2. Sue White

    This was a great tutorial! I too have been making hard work of extractions… Ive got to do a better job of making masks do the work for me. That’s why it’s great to have the gift of a video tutorial as reading a step by step is much more taxing!
    I too am hiding out from the So. Cal heat… it’s been a long week of high temps, but like you said a great excuse to relax and play! Thanks again!
    Best regards,
    Sue White

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thank you so MUCH, Sue! I’m so happy you enjoyed the tutorial! Try to keep cool – it can’t keep this up forever. Can it? LOL!

  3. Robin E Sizemore

    ok, I’m going to be perfectly honest and say that I have been avoiding doing out of bounds work on my photos because the way that I was taught is so very tedious and when I saw you do your magic with the mask around the heads I almost fainted lol I had to watch it 3 times because I want to know that, like really know it. I realize that the technique works best on solid backgrounds, but that was amazing. Thank you so much. I’m learning a lot from your videos and tips and maybe some day I will be brave enough to share my work in your group

    • Vicki Robinson

      I’m so happy the tutorial helped you Robin! And you’re absolutely right – selection using the Magic Wand tool on a solid background is generally pretty easy. If the background had been more complicated. I would have started with the Quick Selection tool. Then, depending on how complicated the extraction was, I might use the Refine Selection options. And please do share your work – I know it’s hard, but we are a very supportive community! I promise! lol!


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