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Adding Hidden Journaling to your Digital Page | Vicki Robinson Designs

Adding Hidden Journaling to your Digital Page

Why Hide Your Journaling?

Hiding Journaling on a Digital Scrapbook Page Sample Layout by Vicki Robinson When creating an art journaling page, you may have thoughts you want to get off your chest. But if those feelings are negative, angry, or could be hurtful, should someone come across your page, you’ll want to keep those feelings private.

You have a couple of options when it comes to hiding your journaling. One trick is to actually write on your page and then obscure the writing and the other is to use the regular text tool, but reverse the text so it can’t be read.

Hiding the journaling — or incorporating it into your page in the form of scribbles, as I have done on my page — can be very therapeutic, so why not give it a try!!

I created this page for my April 2020 Challenge using my Art for the Soul Collection. The image is from Portrait Transfers.

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  1. Mary Rellinger

    you are simply amazing 🙂

    • Vicki Robinson

      And you are very sweet! Thank you, Mary!


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