Time Flies and Gratitude

Time Flies and Gratitude

Time flies by so quickly lately. At least more quickly than it used to. I can’t be the only one who feels that way, right? Remembering Another Time Not only is it December already, but today Facebook thoughtfully reminded me that it has been exactly nine years...
And so it began …. my Unexpected Journey

And so it began …. my Unexpected Journey

And so it began …. with a little snow. My unexpected journey began with a very rare occurrence in my little corner of California. December 7, 2009. It had snowed once before since I moved to here – well, technically it had snowed; but for just a few minutes and the few snowflakes that made it to the ground were doomed. However, on December 7 2009, it SNOWED. Big fluffy snowflakes – lots of them. Little did I know that those snowflakes would be the cause of a lifestyle change that led to my unexpected journey.

On Wildfires …

On Wildfires …

I’ll start by saying that if you are in the U.S., you no doubt already know about the RIM wildfire which started on August 17th in the Stanislaus National Forest