What is Deli Paper?
In the last several years, “deli” paper become very popular with mixed media artists. It’s used for collage, art journaling, painting, gelli plate printing, and stamping. I have even printed digital images onto it for collaging into my art journal — you can read about that in this blog post.
It is a very thin, tissue-like paper, usually unwaxed or “dry” waxed — and is therefore relatively translucent. In fact, most deli paper almost completely disappears once adhered with acrylic matte medium or most glues. The paper is referred to as “deli” paper because its intended use is to wrap sandwiches, such as you would find in a delicatessen.
While “deli” paper is pretty easy to find in the U.S. (Amazon has all sorts), the word “deli” is American slang and means next to nothing in other countries. To add to the confusion, there are similar, yet different, and not as useful papers available and still, other papers called one thing in the U.S. and something else in the U.K. and Australia.
Deli Paper Characteristics
As I said above, the paper most commonly preferred for mixed media art and referred to as “deli” paper is”
- Very thin almost tissue-like
- Relatively translucent but not transparent. When dry, you can see through it a bit — but when used with acrylic matte medium or glue, it will almost disappear when adhered to a work surface of collage.
- Does not disintegrate when wet
- Sold as unwaxed or “dry waxed”
- Is sold in flat or folded sheets (either is fine)
I am definitely not an expert, and I know I can’t clear up all of the confusion around “deli” paper, but I can try to explain the different types of paper most people ask about when they can’t find something called “deli” paper.
Papers Not Suitable as a Replacement for Deli Paper
Tissue Paper — the kind you would use to wrap gifts — is very, very thin, tears very easily, and collapses on itself when it gets wet, so while there are lots of uses for it in art, it is not suitable for using with a gelli plate or adhering to a journal in collage unless you want it for texture.
Waxed Paper is very thin and coated with wax on both sides. Most commonly used in the kitchen, I use it in between pages of my art journal when I think they might stick together and it works as a paint palette, but it would not disappear in collage and is super slick, so paint probably won’t stick.
What we in the U.S. call Parchment Paper is not translucent and is made mostly of silicone — meaning it has quite a slick surface and can be heated to relatively high temperatures. That’s great for baking cookies, but not great for art unless you use it as a palette.
Deli Paper Alternatives
Again, I’m not an expert but these might work for you.
Tracing Paper is, in my opinion, a good option. It has a smooth almost parchment paper-like feel, but very good transparency. It’s available almost everywhere in pads or loose sheets.
Baking Paper, from what I understand, seems the closest equivalent to “deli” paper in the U.K. and Australia — although I have also seen it referred to as parchment paper. Confusing, right? If you live in one of these countries, or any other country for that matter — I’d love to know about your experience with baking paper.
Collage Paper — at least the product sold by Dina Wakley, is an excellent alternative, although (compared to the cost of deli paper in the U.S.) a bit expensive. It’s sold in packs of twenty sheets and is lovely to stamp and make marks on and can handle lots of paint, just as deli paper does, it virtually disappears when adhered to your surface.
I have several rolls of a similar collage tissue by Tim Holtz’s ide-ology line. It doesn’t seem to be available on Ranger’s site or Amazon, but you might get lucky and find it in a local craft store.
I hope I’ve helped even a little bit! If you have found other alternatives to deli paper, please leave a comment below.
Bonjour , merci beaucoup pour vos explications sur le papier Deli. Je voudrais en commander chez Amazone : est ce que vous pouvez m’aider et me dire comment s’appelle cet article chez eux. J ai oublié de vous dire que c’est pour faire des impressions sur ma gelli plate. Merci de m’avoir lue! Bien sincèrement .AM
Je m’excuse pour le retard dans ma réponse car je n’ai pas pu travailler sur mon ordinateur pendant plusieurs semaines. J’utilise Google Translate, donc je m’excuse encore si ma réponse est maladroite. Malheureusement, je ne peux pas accéder à Amazon pour les autres pays. Mais vous pouvez peut-être chercher du papier sulfurisé ou du papier sulfurisé. Une autre alternative est un papier de soie blanc ou du papier calque. Ce que vous recherchez est quelque chose de fin et translucide, mais pas trop fin pour qu’il se déchire dès qu’il est humide. Vous devrez expérimenter avec ces types de papier pour savoir ce qui fonctionnera le mieux. J’aimerais que vous me répondiez ici si vous trouvez quelque chose qui fonctionne afin que je puisse l’inclure avec d’autres suggestions dans cet article. Cordialement. Vicki
I apologize for the delay in responding to you as I have been away from my computer for several weeks. I am using Google Translate, so further apologies if my response reads awkwardly. Unfortunately, I cannot access Amazon for other countries. But something to look for might be parchment paper or baking paper. Another alternative is a white tissue paper or tracing paper. What you are looking for is something that is thin and translucent, but not so thin that it would tear as soon as it is damp. You will need to experiment with these types of papers to know what will work best. I’d love for you to reply here if you find something that works so that I can include it with other suggestions in this post. Kindest regards. Vicki
As of March 2024 Costco in Phoenix does not carry ay brand of deli paper. They used to carry Kabinet Wax, but the manufacturer has stopped making this. Locally, our Smart and Final has deli/sandwich papers. Some are very thin, many are large and unfolded. I have been using Logan brand deli paper from Amazon. Amazon sells many, many brands. A bit overwhelming. The Logan paper is not as thick as Kabinet wax, but thicker than the ones I tried from Smart and Final. I just thought I would add my 2 cents worth.
Hi Vicki,
I guess I’ve been off-planet, or in an alternate universe, I have never heard of Deli paper.
Thank you for enlightening me. Now I’ll have to come back to this universe and see what this Deli paper is all about.
Big smile and once again thank you for keeping all of the scrapbookers informed.
Hi Cynthia! You crack me up!