Secrets and Lies: Studio Confessions

Secrets and Lies?  Seriously?  Read on.

I went into my studio this morning wanting to start a journal page.  But it was such a mess in there, I couldn’t make my way to the table without tripping over the “stuff” on the floor. And there wasn’t an inch of room on the table either. Or on my chair. Or on the plastic-covered futon that serves as my “drying area”.  My first instinct was to run for the hills. But then I realized that if I didn’t clean up, I’d face the same dilemma the next time inspiration struck.  Sigh.

Secret 1

So began my journey of self-discovery. Secret number one. Apparently, I’ve never met a piece of corrugated cardboard  I didn’t like. Which leads me the first lie I tell myself … “There will never ever be another piece of cardboard exactly like this one.”

Secret 2


Lie number two. “My art will be seriously compromised if I do not have that collection of paints from Claudine Helmuth (or Golden or Tim Holtz, or Mister Huey, etc., etc..)”  The secret?  Apparently, I fall for my own lies regularly because today I discovered duplicates of several sets of the exact same paints. Unopened. Sigh.

Secret number 3.  I  don’t paint or draw. True, I make “marks” on mixed media projects, but I truly can’t draw or paint.  So why pray tell, do I have 51 paint brushes (not including the brand new pack of seven I bought just last week)? Secret 3And 39 markers and two sets of watercolor pencils.  Lie number 3.  “Because you just never know.” And that’s probably what I told myself when I bought the (still sealed) jars of glass beads, micro beads (red no less!) and Perfect Pearls. Sigh.

And since I’m laying it all out on the table (so to speak) I suppose I should also confess to the bins of stencils and stamps and collections of bits of ephemera-like stuff.

More secretsMore secrets

And the Inktense color blocks and Gelatos; the spray inks and the Distress Inks; the three different kinds of glue mediums (not counting the fabric glue, spray glue, glue gun and adhesive tape roller and various masking and washi tapes). The white gesso, the clear gesso and the black gesso.

And the scraps of fabric and paper; and bubble wrap and flip flops and sponges; and shelf paper and paper doilies and dictionary pages and paper punches (what did I buy those for?) and the rub-ons. Sigh.

More secrets




Three hours (and two bags of garbage) later, I have a (relatively) re-organized studio. And no excuse not to make regular use of all that stuff I can’t seem to live without.  So, I’m going to try to get into the studio at least once a week to create something.

But the biggest secret of all?  All that stuff makes me happy. Truly happy. And that’s no lie! Please tell me I’m not alone – I’d love to hear your secrets and lies!

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  1. Esther

    I truly related to this one it comes to paper. The other tools I’m pretty good about… but paper… 6000+ sheets later…. and I still want more!!!! LOL.

    • Vicki Robinson


  2. Francey

    Not only can I relate, I was wondering as I read — “Ooooh! Is she gonna get RID of some of these goodies? I wonder how much shipping would cost . . .?” Seriously. I could have simply attached my name to your post, it hit THAT close to home.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Lol! Then you HAVE to know it would next to impossible for me to part with any of it! I’m so happy to know that I’m not alone!

  3. viva artistry

    haha! so like me! I just finally unpacked everything from previous moves and I find out I’m moving again this summer and YUP, found bags of brand new stuff hidden away as well! Addicted much? (vivie)

    • Vicki Robinson

      Vivie! Addiction is the right word! And also “fear of missing out” is a phrase someone used about me. Can’t stand the idea of a new cool product out there and knowing I don’t have it!!! Lol!

  4. deb mattin

    Great post! Not sure why most of us have this same issue – collecting supplies despite evidence that we already have too much . Honestly, It’s embarrassing to find stuff squirted away, still in the bag, that I bought because I HAD to have it, yet forgot all about it and obviously life went on while the supplies sat unused. I have so many paper scraps I’m saving for just the right project (which to date has not revealed itself!) that the bin is overflowing. Why has it not occurred to me to just THROW some away??!!
    I am making a serious effort not to buy stuff this year – except for replacements of things I actually used and need more of – like glue. No more justifying the “it’s such a good deal”. Good deals will always come around – no need to panic-buy!

    Good luck with your efforts – we need support as so many FB groups are clogged with the “look at all the stuff I bought today” posts!!

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thanks so much, Deb! It seems to be an addiction like no other and I’m really happy to know it’s not just me! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

      • Antonia

        We are moving and I have recently finished packing my studio. In response to the question about why “we” do this, I have reached the conclusion that we are hard-wired to “nest” and collecting is a seductive sport, rather like retrieving a ball is to a Labrador. Either that, or we share the same genetic markers as pack rats. It’s just not our fault — we are just trying to do as nature intended. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

        • Vicki Robinson

          Toni I SO agree with you! It must be a genetic thing – although I’m not a pack rat in the rest of my life! But it’s as good an explanation as any!! Good to hear from you again girlfriend – good luck and safe travels with your move!

  5. Lucy

    I’ve just had a big big tidy up of my space as well Vicki. I only moved here a couple of months ago and ditched a lot of ‘Stuff’! The biggest bag to go in the skip trailer for the tip was cardboard & postage packs (I love to recycle those). Hubby couldn’t believe his eyes when I carried it out to him. 🙂 🙂

  6. Lisa S

    Every word you write is TRUE! Plus, it runs even deeper than that…
    I’m trying to actually USE some of the stuff I had to have for whatever project I was dreaming of at the moment I put it into my shopping basket. I’m also trying to remind myself that there will always be new, exciting products coming out and if I don’t use some of this stuff I already have, the inks dry up, the paints get goopy, the glue is too stiff from sitting around too long. Use it or lose it!
    I do love to look at it all though ~ it does bring me much happiness too. 🙂
    We’re in good company.

    • Vicki Robinson

      That’s my problem, too Lisa! Actually using all the stuff I’ve accumulated! I think I get intimated by the unopened packages and the piles of “cool” stuff that may not turn out so cool when I use them! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    • Antonia (Toni)

      The common thread here, which is interesting, is that everyone who comments seems to be happy. That makes me even happier! I tend to get surges of creativity, and enjoy them immensely. Collecting stuff in preparation for the next surge is part of my process. If I would spend as much time creating as I do collecting, who knows what wonders I could make…lol. This issue does actually trouble me to be honest. But I do say I’m PrePared. Love all the comments coming in on this blog. Happy Everything!

      • Vicki Robinson

        I agree, Toni! My biggest problem is actually USING the “stuff”. I sometimes get overwhelmed and then not sure where to start. But I am pretty happy just petting it all! 🙂

        • Antonia (Toni)

          “Petting it all” roflol

  7. Heidi

    Haha, I can totally relate! I tease that I have my own craft store in my craft room. I have a little (or a lot!) of all kinds of different crafts so whatever the whim that strikes, I can work on a project without having to run to the store, or at least not right away! My husband says we should have bought stock in Joann’s. : )

    • Vicki Robinson

      Exactly, Heidi! I’m waaay out in the boonies, so I feel a need to hoard. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. Shawna Strange

    You are not alone. I see through different colored lenses (so to speak) as a nubby. I stumbled upon mixed media and art journaling this past year. I was a scrapbooker for years. I discovered art as an outlet for me, “my me-time”. I want every cardboard box that passes through my door. LOL. Thank you for sharing your story, I need to back off of the latest and greatest and use what I have and think OUTSIDE the BOX. 🙂

    • Vicki Robinson

      Oh, Shawna! You can tell how I feel about cardboard! I’m pretty much a newbie at mixed media too – hence the “unexpected journey”! Let’s try to think outside the CARDBOARD box together, what do you say?? LOL! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  9. Trish

    Oh thank you…. I thought I was the only one that created with everything I treasure around me… Oh thank you thank you …..

    • Vicki Robinson

      LOL! Trish, it makes it SO much better to know you’re not alone, huh? Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. Alice Eads

    OMG! I laughed so hard I cried, because you were describing me to a “T” The cardboard,& bubble wrap really hit a cord. Not only can I not paint or draw, I have a sewing machine, but can’t sew! Well, I can stitch a wavy line on paper….but my husband does support me. He brings me little boxes & rubber bands & won’t throw odds & ends away without checking with me first 🙂 And honestly, I’ve never been happier, either.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Oh Alice! Thanks for making me feel SO much better! And my husband now checks with me before he throws away ANY cardboard! Talk about enabling!! Lol! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  11. Antonia (Toni)

    I just love your bravery! My collection of stuff is ridiculous to some, but I’ve concluded that it does make me happy and I am very attached to it…lol. Now, I spend many hours organizing it and then ignoring it until a later date when I wonder what I was thinking when I bought it. It started with paints, brushes and pastels — painting and drawing materials that I did use a lot and then later not so much because I’d moved on to photography. After many years of collecting and creating, I’ve reached the conclusion that women are hard-wired to be hunter/gatherers. In this day, we don’t need to store food or things for survival, but the drive is still there. If it didn’t make us happy, we wouldn’t have done it when we were in the wild and it may have been costly to the survival of the human race. So pat yourself on the back for coming from a long line of survivors and enjoy yourself while you are able. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!

    • Vicki Robinson

      LOVE it, Toni! Two peas in a pod! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  12. Sandy

    Don’t even get me started about all the craft stuff that I have! I just keep looking for more and more places to store it! Trouble is that it makes me happy too every time I go through it. As long as I’m happy, life is good! Enjoy your cardboard bliss girlfriend!

    • Vicki Robinson

      It is a ‘”happy place” kind of thing, isn’t it, Sandy?

  13. Su Hall

    “I better keep this ’cause ya never know when it might come in handy!”
    This is my mantra when hording all the goodies I have. The truth is, I have gone back and used a lot of it! That’s what makes it so hard to let go.
    I had found a yellow whatchamacallit. I thought it looked neat, so, I stashed it. A few years later, we were trying to hook up our washer and needed a ‘thing’ to complete the job. I thought about my watchamacallit. It worked! LOL This lone act reinforced my belief that I should never throw anything away! LOL
    Aside from all this, I try to give away as much as I can and, occasionally, even do toss some of it! When it is bad is when you can’t do what you want because of all the clutter. Sigh!
    Thanks for sharing this. I don’t feel quite so bad to read this and all the comments and see that there are a lot of folks that do this!


    • Vicki Robinson

      Su, don’t you just love it when you can justify your addiction? Lol! I’m going to remember your story when I’m temped to throw more stuff away! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  14. Vicky

    You are DEFINITELY NOT alone, Vicki! I have HOARDS of creative stuff, too! And, that is JUST what it is…..CREATIVE STUFF!!! Who knows when the creativity will strike for which piece of stuff! 😀

    • Vicki Robinson

      That’s exactly right, Vicky! Ya just never know!!!

  15. Marilyn

    Hi Vicki, I think we are kindred spirits, although I do have a path in my room from the door to the antique sewing table that houses my laptop. And unlike Robin, I have a husband who is a worse collector than I am. He is a musician & owns his own guitar shop (in our home) and yesterday he bought a drum set – said it was for a cardio work-out. Sure, you believe that, you’ll believe anything. Anyway, the drums are nicely stacked in our dining room. I wonder how long they’ll be there? Maybe I should invite them for dinner?

    • Vicki Robinson

      Too funny, Marilyn! My DH never goes in the studio, so I can usually keep him in the dark. He has no idea what’s in there – and I’d like to keep it that way! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  16. bunnyfreak

    I can so relate Vicky. Though I am jealous of all the paints. Not that I paint either. I do use my distress inks when I get the tactile crafting bug or when I use hybrid. I cut down on my stash since I am mainly digi but getting a cricut machine created the problem of hoarding cardboard, plastics, and anything I thought it would cut.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Oh … a Circuit! I’m jealous1 I was thinking about a Silhouette …. but cooler heads have prevailed. BUT I would love to make my own stencils! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  17. Catherine

    Now that you’ve cleared up perhaps you might pop over and do the same for me! I don’t paint or use mixed media – but I do seem to collect other things and my desk and it’s drawers and my shelves are beginning to feel the strain. 🙂 Oh, and I share the office with my husband, and his two guitars, bouzouki, bagpipes, two chanters…plus, his desk is worse than mine. So, there’s two jobs to be tackled here. You up for it…? lol

    • Vicki Robinson

      Well, I’d love to visit Scotland, Catherine! Maybe next year – I’d love to hear those bag pipes!

  18. Robin

    oh, yes! I used to tell myself those same lies, but I got remarried and my hubby is not a big fan of ‘stuff’ so, I had to come to grips with the fact that I continued to add to my stash, because “it’s never going to be this price again” or “I have the perfect project for this exact (fill in the blank). I got strong and gave it all away and I have to tell you, there was a great sense of freedom. I no longer was a slave to my ‘stuff’ lol. It was hard and every once in a while, I feel the need to go to the store and actually touch something, but other than that, I’m good.

    • Vicki Robinson

      You are so much stronger than I, Robin! If we ever move, I’m going to be in big trouble!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  19. Cilenia

    Gotta love it! Now I don’t feel so bad when I walk into mine! Bet my bubble wrap collection is bigger than your cardboard collection. 😉 Actually, it’s Miss Bailey’s bubble wrap. ROFL

    • Vicki Robinson

      Lol! I was thinking about you as I was cleaning up … wishing you were there saying “oh keel! let’s play with THIS and THAT and ….”!!!

  20. Sheri Zschocher

    Welcome to my world sister! See it is in the genes- other call it clutter we call it gems of creation!

    • Vicki Robinson

      Lol! That’s exactly how I see it!


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