Live as if There is No Tomorrow

“Live as if there is no tomorrow.” You’ve probably heard those words at least a hundred times. I would imagine that they come up most often after someone has died. And so it is for me.

The Back Story

In March 2014, I was offered a designer position with Oscraps and I, fearfully, put out my first ever Creative Team call. Facebook can be a cruel business partner. I mean, what if no one saw my call? Worse yet, what if no one “liked” it. And even worse … what if no one applied? What would I do then? Turned out my insecurity was unnecessary because I received quite a few applications.

One email in particular literally made me choke on my morning coffee. It read:

Dawn Inskip-live“Just saw your call posted on FB – love your style and thought ‘if you don’t ask, you don’t get.’  I’m Dawn, I’m a Designer at Scrapbookgraphics, but I love to create using my own photo’s, memories and great quotes and verse. You have some amazing products in store and I’d love to be considered for your team, thank you for the chance.”

Dawn??? The Dawn? Inskip? The well-known digi designer? One of the top designers in the industry and one of my design idols? She knew who I was???  Really??  D-A-W-N? It was then I noticed the calendar and saw that it was April 1 – April Fool’s Day. AHAH! Surely, this must be a prank. I sent her a FB message telling her something along the lines of “you’ll never guess what someone just did to me in your name.” But it wasn’t a joke and thus started my friendship with THE DAWN INSKIP. The pages on this post are all Dawn’s work. Click for a closer look – Dawn wasn’t afraid to journal for the world to see.


When I was invited to join Scrapbookgraphics, I was hesitant and Dawn was right there urging me on. A very “no-nonsense” sort of gal, our Dawn. “Put your big girl panties on and get on with it” I think she said. And I did. I learned about her daughter Carly, a falconer. Dawn was so proud of her. I marveled about her ability to churn out stunning collection after collection, all the while scrapping her own life. She was kind and generous with her time, but she didn’t hesitate to let me know if I exhibited signs of having grown too big for my britches. Even after Dawn moved onto another shop we kept in contact – just exchanging little tidbits – as you do.

Live as if There is No Tomorrow

Then … well then  … then Dawn went to the hospital thinking the extreme heat wave hitting England was having an effect on her. She never came back. It’s hard for me to even type those words. Even though it’s been a week since I heard the news (you can read more from one of Dawn’s friends), I still have that same sense of stunned disbelief. If you’re any part of the digi world, I’m sure you’ve seen others expressing the same sadness. Even though we never met in person, Dawn made a big impact on my life. And I just wish, oh how I wish, I’d made more of a point of making sure she knew that.

Today, I came across a recording I’d made of myself creating a digi art journaling page. Even though I made the recording just a few months ago, I’d forgotten all about it. And as the recording came to a close and I saw the words I’d written, I found myself, once again, in tears.  I’ll miss you Dawn – and although I know you’d be flustered and a bit annoyed by hearing it, the rest of the digi world is having a difficult time with your loss. I hate it that you’re a reminder to us all to live as if there is no tomorrow.


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  1. B

    Oh Vicki, what a beautiful tribute to Dawn! I’ve been thinking of Dawn all week. I haven’t been anywhere near Facebook, I have felt sick and low and deep in thought all week. I miss Dawn terribly and still feel stunned by her loss. Huge hugs my friend xxxx

    • Vicki Robinson

      I’m still having trouble myself. Reading my own post set off the tears again. Big hug back Bernadette – you’re not alone. xoxo

  2. Ellen Colville

    what a lovely tribute Vicki, may she fly high.
    I couldn’t believe it either when I read the news, such a loss . I loved her sense of humor and way of approaching life.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thank you, Ellen! I think I’m still in shock and I, too, appreciated her sense of humor! It’s so nice to hear from you again – even under these circumstances. Hope you are well!

  3. Fran

    Dearest Vicki,
    I was on vacation when I saw a post that Dawn had passed, I was sitting down to dinner while reading it, I fought to keep the tears back. My husband wouldn’t understand that someone I didn’t know personally could have such an effect on me. I will miss Dawn, her products and her honesty in the pages she created. Thanks fro sharing your insight with us.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thank you so much, Fran. I think I’m still in shock. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

  4. Christa File

    So beautiful Vicki.. I loved reading your post about Dwn and the lovely tribute. I can’t believe even after a week, I am still shaking my head that I will no longer get emails from her. Dawn was special and one of a kind. Thank you for sharing this with us an for the lovely video.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thanks, Christa. I too keep shaking my head. When I read the news, I thought for sure they must be referring some other Dawn Inskip.

  5. Su Hall

    My! Kind of an omen of things to come, or something? Amazing page! I am so sorry for your loss, Vicki! I am sad over this, but, I did not know her very well. It still sucks!

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thanks, Su. The Digi world won’t be the same without her.

  6. Marijke

    Wonderful video en great tribute for Dawn … I have often thought of her and her family … it is terrible to lose someone like her … I’m going to miss her …

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thanks, Marijke. Hugs to you.

  7. beth ervin

    So very sad! She will be missed.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Very much so, Beth.

  8. AnnetteD

    Thank you my dear. So moved.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thanks, my friend.

  9. Radhamani Dayanidhi

    Very beautiful story Vicky. I wanted to know how u made that ladder like brush which comes top to bottom. I like that

    radha iyengar

    • Vicki Robinson

      So happy to hear from you again, Radha! Those are “painting” brushes I’m working on. They should be out soon.

  10. Jeannette

    This is such a wonderful tribute Vicky. I remember so well when I applied for Dawn’s ct team. I knew I would never be accepting, because I knew my work wasn’t good enough for her designs. You can imagine my surprise when I found out Dawn thought otherwise.
    I’ve been on her team for a few years, and it was a hard for me to leave her, due to personal and health issues. But I always kept following her and her designs, often taking the time to leave a comment.
    She was a wonderful woman, and I’m sad she is not with is anymore!

    • Vicki Robinson

      So in an odd sort of way, we came to know Dawn in the same way. I’m so glad you had some time on her team – good memories to have, my friend. Hugs.

  11. Tracy Madsen

    She was an amazing and wonderful artist and friend. We will all miss her very much. Beautiful tribute to her Vicki. xoxo

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thanks, Tracy. Hugs.

  12. Kaye

    I’m so sad that Dawn has left us. I was always able to find just what I needed for a project in Dawn’s artwork. I wish I could have known her personally, but her artwork will remain a part of my digital pages and she will remembered. Rest in Peace, Dawn. You are missed.

  13. Katy

    How nice that she was such an inspiration to you. I think she inspired many of us. I don’t even remember when I first heard of her but it seems like forever. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Vicki.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Yes, Katy. Dawn has been a fixture in the community for such a long time. We’re all going to miss her.

  14. Wendy

    This has me in tears. Thank you for sharing.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Me too, Wendy. Me too.

  15. Boo Silva

    Wonderful video and a beautiful tribute post for an amazing lady. Thank you for sharing Vicki. Personally, I am devastated by the loss of Dawn. I can’t believe I won’t get to see any more of her gorgeous work, won’t get to enjoy our daft British banter with each other, won’t get to pester her to do a video just like the one you’ve just shared. I miss her. I will miss her always. I don’t think she ever realised how much she was loved, admired and respected.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Devasted is the right word. Big hugs to you.

  16. Sharron Lamb

    Beautiful page and reminder. I only knew of Dawn starting a month ago when I began visiting the Lily Pad on a regular basis. Hers were the first products I was attracted to. I did her challenge, and acquired some of her art. But even with such a short acquaintance, I grieve over her loss. Thank you for sharing this, Vicki. I know you treasure her memory.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thank you, Sharr. I’m very happy you discovered and had a chance to enjoy Dawn’s artistry.

  17. Sandy

    Nicely done! Love the video!

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thanks, Sandy!!


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