Leave room in your heart for the unimaginable. Because if you don’t, you might miss something that turns out to be very meaningful to you.
A year ago it was unimaginable to me that a new little person in my life could bring such joy. Such utter, complete, unadulterated joy. I would never have imagined that I would be getting out of bed two days a week at o’dark hundred to spend those two days cuddling and comforting and teaching and observing a precious little being.
It was unimaginable to me that I would spent countless hours taking and watching (and re-watching) hundreds of videos of her as she explores her existence. In a world filled with so many things to worry me, I’d forgotten how to see wonder in the most mundane of things. It was unimaginable to me that the sound of baby laughter could so easily lift me from deep anxiety. I’d forgotten what it’s like when everything is a new experience and when making silly faces and strange sounds is a actually delightful way to pass the hours when judgment is banished.
Two years ago, it was unimaginable to me that I would feel so at home in a much smaller house, away from the country.
Five years ago, I couldn’t have imagined that I would have a little art studio in my home. Or that I would have a thriving Art Journaling group on Facebook.
Ten years ago, I would never have imagined that I would dream about making art using paints and Photoshop – a completely unexpected journey.
Yesterday I was staring at the abstract that resulted from the day’s finger-painting session, wondering “What in the heck do I do with THAT.” It was unimaginable that this morning I would wake up with an idea for it.
But here we are.
Leave room in your heart for the unimaginable. Because if you don’t, you might miss something that turns out to be very meaningful to you.
I am still waiting for that g-kid time, but hopefully it will come. Loved your thoughts for the day! Thanks for sharing with us.
Fingers crossed for you on the grand babies, Steph! There is nothing like it!
Love your thoughts today Vicki! So true and such good reminders for us all. TFS
Thanks, Jana! Makes you stop and think, doesn’t it?
Love this, my friend! So very true…
Thanks, Kim. Sometimes, something makes a bigger impact on your life than you realized it would.
Unimaginable is the spice of life! Thank the goddesses and gods!
I so enjoy my little grandchildren! If I would have known g-kids were so much fun, I would have had them first!
Lol! You are SO right Su!!