Happy Place – Journal it Out

So much has happened in my family this year that after some recent and (very) good news, I felt the need to do some journaling.


It ended up being a very simple page (with lots of journaling which I covered up with paint and gesso), but I’m happy with how it turned out.

Now, I know that this is the time of year everyone gets all sentimental and mushy. And usually I will to anything to avoid such public expressions of such deep personal feelings. But I’m making an exception this time – here’s what was going through my mind as a I worked on my page – in no particular order.

I’m thankful for a happy and healthy extended family.

I’m grateful for doctors who call immediately with important test results instead of making us wait for normal business hours.

I am thankful for the Affordable Health Care Act, which (as it turns out) actually is affordable and will save us hundreds of dollars each year.

I’m thankful to those who have been so willing (and generous enough) to share their time and expertise – whether it was of a personal or business nature. You know who you are and hopefully you know how much I value our relationships.

I’m grateful to my sister, Sheri, who managed to find a way to visit my folks in Texas this month for our Dad’s 80th birthday.  I couldn’t be there and I’m so happy she was there to celebrate the day. I know Mom and Dad were thrilled.

I’m thankful for the health care workers and companions who tend to my elderly father-in-law each day. Your patience and compassion is unending and amazing.

I’m grateful to those who read my blog and those who “like me” on FB and those who buy my products.

And finally, I’m thankful for good, clean mountain air; a loving husband; good friends; and Friday martinis.

Whew. That wasn’t so bad. Thanks for indulging me! I guess I really am in a Happy Place!  I sincerely hope you are too!

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  1. Catherine

    All good reasons to be thankful. 🙂 I’m thankful for my lovely online friend who also turns into my resident tech expert when needed, and gets me out of difficult techie situations. 🙂

    Oh…and you’re allowed to get sentimental and mushy every so often…!

    PS – Love that image above!

    • Vicki Robinson

      You are too sweet, Catherine! Thank you!

  2. Tammy

    And I am thankful for friends who share my love of photography, pse, and silly games! 🙂

    • Vicki Robinson

      I LOVE our silly games, Tammy! I’m thankful for friendship and your fabulous photos – I always looking forward to them!


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