Goodbye 2013. Happy, Fearless 2014!

Are you ready for 2014?  I, for one, was not prepared for how quickly 2013 went by. The older I get, the faster time passes – it’s not just me, is it?

I have tried several times (ok, maybe more than several times), to do some sort of “One Little Word-like” year -long program. I’m sure most of you know what I mean. You pick a word to focus on and then let that word guide you through the year. I start out quite enthusiastically and then (I don’t really know why) well before mid-year, I completely drop the ball. Maybe I just lose interest.  Maybe I have no discipline. Anyway, now that you get the idea, hold that thought – I promise to get back to it.

One of the things I told myself I would do this year is more art journaling – whether physical or digital. I just have to find a way to do more “art-ing” because it gives me such pleasure. And I’ve also told myself that I need to stop being so reluctant to show my art to anyone. I know it’s just my own insecurities – you get that right? That critic constantly whispering “after all, you’re not really artistic; you’re just playing at being an artist.” Yada, yada.

Anyway, I’ve been pondering how best to do those things. While reading one of the ga-zillion blogs I follow, I came across free The Documented Life Project being hosted by Roben-Marie Smith and several of her cohorts. FREE? AND Roben-Marie Smith? Swoon! You can read the details for yourself the Project site or in the Facebook group (you have to ask to join the group to be able to post, but anyone can see the basics. The Project starts January 1, but basically we’ll be doing weekly challenges using a 2014 Moleskine Weekly planner as a journal. Of course, being the techie I am, I keep my calendars on my iMac/iPad/iPhone. However, I do want to do more art journaling on a regular basis – and to be able to do it by participating in challenges hosted by Roben-Marie Smith? For free?? I’m am SO in! If this kind of thing interests you at all, I encourage you to join us!  The FB group is large (over 2000 members so far) and very supportive and enthusiastic. 

I got myself the same Moleskine 2014 Weekly Planner being used in the Project and, since I’ve never altered a book to use as a journal, I paid $12 for the completely optional mini-class “Plan.Journal.Play Workshop” by Lorraine Bell, one of the other hosts of The Documented Life Project. I’m glad I paid for that part – I would have been all thumbs otherwise.

I coated the soft cover of the Moleskine with gesso and then collaged on some of my own art work (more about that tomorrow), Tim Holtz tissue paper, lots of stamps, acrylic paint and modeling paste to add lots (and lots) of texture.  I really LOVE the way it turned out.

Maybe you noticed that the word “fearless” appears several times on the cover of the journal. How in the heck did that happen? Honestly, I have no frickin’ clue! I mean, I did create the art the word is on. And I did put the word on the art. But how it ended up on the cover so many times, I really don’t know. I was just collaging away without any real plan. Well that’s not completely true. I did want a butterfly on the cover. And I did print out the digital art I made (more on that tomorrow).  And I did pick out the colors I used.

So this is the part where I close the loop and take you back to the second paragraph, as promised. When I was photographing the journal for this post I noticed, for the first time, that “fearless” kept showing up, I realized that I didn’t have to find a “word” for 2014. It found me! I guess I do have a word for 2014.

So, this is me being Fearless. Stay tuned.

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  1. Kay

    I’m looking forward to your “fearless” year! I joined the SBG 2014 AJC and in fact used one of your dancing ladies on my first layout!!! Thanks!!

    • Vicki Robinson

      I’m so glad you’re doing the AJC – me too! Thanks so much using my product in your page! And thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. Tammy

    I am in awe of your work and look forward to following your FEARLESS art thru 2014! Happy New Year Friend! 🙂

    • Vicki Robinson

      You’re so sweet, Tammy Thank you – and Happy New Year to you too!

  3. Hannah

    I have never done the word a year thing, but am going to try this year. I signed up to take Ali Edwards word of the year class. I am still trying to decide between authentic, unique, or open. I love the altered journal. I am not that great at paper arts where I have to think of ideas on my own, so we shall see how I do this year.

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thank you, Hannah! Ali’s class is very good – I think you’ll like it. As for your word, may I suggest you no stress over which word. As happened to me, many times words just pop into your head and you will instinctively know that it’s the right one. Don’t put pressure on yourself to pick it and it will come! Good luck with your challenge this and thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  4. Johanna

    Your journal looks wonderful! I am looking forward to participating in the group as well, and hopefully being more ‘fearless’ about showing my art as well. I am in the craft world and am amazed at the artists out there that will immediately dismiss anything we may make as crafty. Happy new year – be fearless.


    • Vicki Robinson

      Thank you, Johanna! Hopefully times are changing and artists in all mediums are starting to accept each other! Thanks for stopping by my blog – and Happy New Year to you and you family!

  5. Diane

    Isn’t it wonderful that our world opens up through creativity?

    Your post reminds me of myself – I have tried a couple of times, only to forget about it as the year goes on. I am DETERMINED not to let that happen this year! I am going to keep reminding myself of my word (present) whenever I look at my Project Life Organizer and hope that keeps me honest!

    Good luck and I look forward to seeing more of your marvelous work!


    • Vicki Robinson

      It really is amazing what happens, Diane! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck with your word this year – and Happy New Year!


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