Mixed Media Walk Thru: Fearless Art Journaling: Wks 5-9

As part of my “fearless” art journaling adventure this year, I had the lofty goal of recording each of the weekly challenges for the Documented Life Project. And while I sill would like to do that, it turns out that’s not always practical – sometimes inspiration strikes at inopportune times. Sometimes my studio is such a mess, I can’t get the camera hooked up! Sometimes I find the challenges … well challenging. Sometimes I have recorded the video and then looked at my finished art and thought “Yuck – I can’t share this”.

I found myself falling victim to this last excuse a couple of times – if you could see some of the pages the other DLP participants are posting to our private FB group, you’d understand how easy it is to get caught in that trap. I have to keep reminding myself that everyone is coming at this project from a different starting place. Everyone has different skill sets. And that we are our own worst critics. And it’s the journey, not the destination …  right?

So here goes me swallowing hard and being fearless again … The first video is a “walk through” of the end results for the DLP challenges 5 – 9 (about 11 minutes) and the second video is how I created the background for the Week 6 poppies (about 6 minutes), if you’re interested.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog  – I truly appreciate that you’ve got lots to do in your day; your comments mean the world to me! If you enjoy the videos, I’d love for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel (use there red button on the right) and to share this blog post on your favorite social media!

Have a great weekend and as Arnie (our former Governator) said once in a movie…. I’ll be back!

Weeks 5-9 Walk Through

Week 6 Poppies

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  1. Tammy

    Thank you for sharing your secrets once again! I have done a few pages that look like they have been done by a kindergartener lol I will share them with YOU soon. Doesn’t turn out as well as everyone elses you see on Pinterest! Oh well, it is relaxing and I am enjoying it so that is all that counts (I think my husband thinks I have regressed back to being a kid)! 🙂

    • Vicki Robinson

      I can’t wait to see them, Tammy! I feel that way about many of my own pages, so you’re not alone in how you feel!

  2. Hannah

    I think they all look great!

    • Vicki Robinson

      Thank you, Hannah!


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